Σάββατο 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Μελατονίνη (Melatonini) - Almost There + Gin

Melatonin : The hormone of "darkness"
.. is in every living substance from seaweed up people. Produced in the brain in an area called the pineal gland and released into the blood. The darkness favors the production of melatonin while light prevents.
It works in favor of helping the body's defense against disease. It is not known exactly how this is done, but it favors the production of T cells in the immune system.
Melatonin also has a role in the vigor and frequency of dreams. Other psycho-active drugs (cocaine, LSD) increase the composition and production.
The more melatonin is of vegetable origin and is derived from cocoa.

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